Dear Parents / Carers,
I am writing to give updated details of the schools’ breakfast club and after school provision which will be available as part of our offer to families at the school. The school took over the running of this provision at the start of this term and will continue to run the provision. Miss Cooke and Mrs Baker will take on a leading role in building and developing this provision moving forward.
Breakfast club provision runs from 7:30am-start of the school day, attendance at breakfast club will include the offer of toast, breakfast cereals and fruit. The cost of breakfast school provision remains at £8:00 per session.
After-school provision can be booked for a shorter session 3-4:30pm or a longer session 3-5:30pm. Due to the success of the numbers attending the after-school provision this half term we have been able to reduce the cost of these sessions. The shorter session will now be charged at £10:00 and the longer session £15:00. An afternoon snack and drink will be offered as part of after-school provision. If your child attends one of the school’s activities clubs and you wish to utilise the after-school provision they will be dismissed into this provision. The full cost of the session will still be charged as staffing levels need to be maintained.
To further support the payment of these sessions the school is able to accept payment through a range of child care vouchers. For further details of this please contact the school office.
Accompanying this letter is a booking form for sessions for the next term. Please complete this booking form and return either a paper copy or electronic copy to the school office, making sure that your child’s name is clearly marked on the booking form. Booking forms should be returned by Tuesday 18th October 2022. It is important that you select all the sessions you wish to utilise as staffing rotas will be worked out based on these returns. We will try to be as flexible as possible across the term, as we all know the need for provision can change with very little notice, but we will not be able to run provision at short notice if no staff have been allocated for a particular day or time.
Payment will be invoiced through the school’s online payment system once booking forms are completed and returned.
This provision has been a valuable addition to our school offer, and it has been a real positive to see the number of families and children making use of this provision increase across the term. It is important that if this provision is to remain financially viable for the school that the current levels of uptake are maintained and built upon. We look forward to building on the early successes of this provision and really making the school a hub for the community.
Kind Regards,
Mr James
Head Teacher