Safeguarding our children and families is a key priority for the whole of the school community at Whiteparish. We are
committed to creating a happy and safe learning environment for our children to learn.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead is the head teacher, Mr James and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Finance Officer, Mrs Witcher.
Our Nominated Safeguarding Governor is Tamsin Dow.
All staff have safeguarding training annually and keep this training up to date through termly updates.
Where appropriate the school works closely with external agencies to safeguard children both in school and at home.
We help children to learn how to keep themselves safe through our curriculum. Lesson and units of work can include
healthy eating, anti-bullying, e-safety, healthy relationships, drug and alcohol awareness. Children learn what to do if
they are worried or concerned about their safety. These themes about how to stay safe and how to make informed
choices are also explored through our whole school and class worships. If a particular issue becomes pertinent for a
group or class, e.g. online safety, teachers will timetable additional sessions to explore these issues.
Policies which support our safeguarding practice are available to view on this website:
Up to date version of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (KCSiE 2023) can be found at this link:
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
The school recognises and understands that technology plays an important role in all of our daily lives. We are committed to giving all of our pupils the skills and knowledge to stay safe in the virtual world. This includes a day of focussed on-line safety activities as part of Safer Internet Day. We ask that parents are vigilant around their children's use of technology and inform the school if they become aware of their children or groups of children accessing inappropriate material or making inappropriate post on-line.
Every child's attendance is monitored daily and absences are followed by the administrative team. Parents and families should support the school in monitoring absence by informing the school of any known absences and contacting the school office by 9am to notify the administrative team of any absence due to illness.
The school carries out regular risk assessments to ensure that the environment is safe and that potential hazards are highlighted and the risk they pose in minimised. Staff are trained in first aid and pediatric first aid. Risk assessments are also completed prior to any off-site visits.
Where a child has on-going medical needs parents will be asked to complete consent forms regarding the administration of medicines. In order to ensure the school is able to effectively meet the needs of all children it may be necessary for parents to complete a health care plan.
We are keen to welcome parents into school. Building work has now been completed on new fencing at the front of the school, in order to make the school site secure. During the school day the gates are locked and all visitors must report to the school office on arrival. All visitors should ensure that thay sign in upon arrival and wear an identification lanyard during their time in school. Staff will challenge any individual who appears to be on the premises without authorisation.
At Whiteparish we use our PHSE curriculum in combination with whole school focus events such as Safer Internet Day and our Worship themes to help children understand how to keep themselves safe. To support our teaching of PHSE we use SCARF: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship resources.
The SCARF curriculum allows use to tailor a clearly sequenced whole school approach to our delivery of PHSE from Year R-6.
There are 6 key themes which run across the school:
Me and My Relationships
Children will explore the skills needed for successful friendships and teamwork. They'll also be thinking about people who are special to them and who they can turn to for help, when needed.
Valuing Difference
Children will be celebrating our differences by exploring what we have in common with others, what makes us different, and the positive things about this. We're also thinking about the positive difference that respect and kindness - both face-to-face and online - can make to every one of us.
Keeping Myself Safe
Children will explore the different ways they can keep themselves safe, including online. They'll be learning skills in assertiveness, recognising the influence of friends, and also how to think critically about the decisions they can make to help themselves manage risks safely.
Rights and Responsibilities
Children will learn about how they can help to look after the environment. They'll also be thinking about how to manage money (economic education) and the changing rights and responsibilities they have as they grow older.
Being my Best
Children will be learning about how to set goals and develop positive strategies to help them achieve their potential, through a growth mindset approach. They'll also learn about taking care of themselves, physically and mentally – including good hygiene, healthy eating, sleep routines and managing screen time.
Growing and Changing
Children will be learning about growing and changing in an age appropriate way. This unit includes Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) issues.