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Whiteparish All Saints

CE Primary School

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Physical Education

  Being an Athlete

At Whiteparish, we use 'Get Set 4 P.E.' as our scheme of work. This scheme of work provides high-quality lessons and enables us to have clear progression across the school from Year R to Year 6. Each term, each class has two different areas of focus that will develop different skills.



As well as fantastic curriculum resources, the scheme also has an excellent bank of activities for our Key Stage 2 Play Leaders to lead during lunchtimes.


As a school, we are also part of the Salisbury SGO Laverstock Cluster, which enables us to attend a range of tournaments across the calendar year. Last year, we attended 14 sporting events with over 95% of the school (excluding EYFS) participating in either a 'Competition', 'Developmental' or 'Targeted' event. 


When we are 'being athletes', whether that be during lessons or when representing the school at an event, we expect our children to follow the Sports Games Values. We celebrate children who show these in Celebration Assembly each week. The Sports Games Values are:





School Games Mark Awards
