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Whiteparish All Saints

CE Primary School

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School governors are volunteers who work with school leaders to ensure high standards of education. The board consists of Parent Governors (elected by the parents), Foundation Governors (appointed by the Church), Staff Governor (elected by the staff), Local Authority and Co-opted governors. The purpose of the governing body is to provide strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance. 

The three core functions of the board are:
•    Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
•    Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
•    Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure it's money is well spent      


Individual governors are also linked with a particular area, such as Special Educational Needs, Safeguarding, or a curriculum. This ensures that Governors ‘know their School’ and are able to challenge the school to achieve the very best outcomes for children.

All governors are encouraged to visit the school during the working day if they can, but we do not interfere in the day-to-day teaching or running of the school: We are not expected to take detailed decisions about the day-to-day management of the school, we leave that to the professionals!


Governor details and Register of Pecuniary & Business Interests


The document below gives clear information about each member of the governing body, including their full name, date of appointment, term of office, date they stepped down (if applicable), type of role, it also contains notes on relevant business and financial interests including: governance roles in other educational institutions, details of any material interest arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives)
