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CE Primary School

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Breakfast and After School Club Provision

Blackbirds and Larks before and after school provision

Our before and after school provision has been a valuable addition to our school offer, and it has been a real positive to see the number of families and children making use of this provision increase across the year. It is important that if this provision is to remain financially viable for the school that the current levels of uptake are maintained and built upon. We look forward to building on the success of this provision and really making the school a hub for the community.


Blackbirds and Larks have been up to lots of exciting activities during term 5; they have Pizza Fridays when it is time to cook (and eat) a pizza, they have spent time in the garden area planting and maintaining the flower beds, they celebrated the coronation by making special decorations and have been playing team games outside. Last week they also designed some worry boxes as part of mental health awareness week, which will also be used in school.


Breakfast club provision runs from 7:30am-start of the school day, attendance at breakfast club will include the offer of toast, breakfast cereals and fruit. The cost of breakfast school provision remains at £8:00 per session.


After-school provision can be booked for a shorter session 3-4:30pm or a longer session 3-5:30pm. The shorter session is charged at £10:00 and the longer session £15:00. An afternoon snack and drink will be offered as part of after-school provision. If your child attends one of the school’s activities clubs and you wish to utilise the after-school provision they will be dismissed into this provision. The full cost of the session will still be charged as staffing levels need to be maintained.


If you wish to book a place at Blackbirds and Larks then please use the forms below:
