On Wednesday and Thursday of last week school sports teams were out representing the school across 2 different events, both with great success. On Wednesday it was the turn of the High Fives Netball team to compete in the county finals. They ended up finishing level of points with the first placed school, losing out on points scored they ended up as silver medal winners. An amazing achievement.
On Thursday a year 4 and a year 5 team took part in an interschools Key Stage 2 Boccia tournament, imagine bowls with soft balls. This was the first time the school had competed at Boccia, both teams did really well in their group pool games with the Year 4 team making it into the semis and then the final, where the title had to be decided by a tie breaker. Again bringing home silver medals, another superb achievement.
It is wonderful to see sports participation on the up across a range of different sports. Thank you to all the parents who helped with transport to and from these events. Go Team Whiteparish!