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CE Primary School

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Parents Evenings Update - Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th November

Dear Parents / Carers,


Thank you to everyone who has signed up for a parent teacher consultation meeting slot this week on either Tuesday 2nd November or Thursday 4th November. These meetings will provide the opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress across the first half term of the academic year, future targets, and general information about how well your child has settled into their new class.  


As communicated in October’s newsletter you will have the opportunity to attend these meetings in person or virtually. If you wish to attend the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams, please email stating your child’s name and class and appointment time along with the email address(es) you would like the meeting invitation sent to. Your child’s class teacher will then send out a Microsoft Teams meeting invitation ahead of your allotted time. If you would like to attend virtually, please make sure that you make this request no later than 12noon on the day of your meeting. Teachers will not be able to accommodate requests sent after this time.


For those of you attending in person we have put in place measures to reduce crowding in enclosed spaces to mitigate against the transmission of COVID-19 and winter flu illnesses. Please access your child’s classroom through the external door, and arrive as close to your allotted time as possible. The meeting will take place in a ventilated classroom and will adhere to social distancing. During the meeting you will have the opportunity to look at your child’s books and discuss their learning. Time is limited so if you would like to look at your child’s books in more depth, there will be the opportunity to do this outside the classroom following on from your meeting. We are also requesting that a mask is worn for the meeting. Teachers will also be happy to wear a mask if this is your preference. I must stress that nobody should come into school if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or are presenting the symptoms of the illness. It is important that we all work together to keep Whiteparish a COVID-19 free zone. If you are unable to attend the meeting we will be happy to reschedule.


We very much look forward to sharing your child’s progress with you over this week.


Kind Regards


Mr James
